Goodbye Wee Birdy, Hello We Are Scout
Hello dearest readers,
As some of you already know from my social media channels, I’m retiring Wee Birdy to the big bird nest in the sky, and launching a brand new blog, in collaboration with the amazing Lisa Tilse (aka The Red Thread).
We Are Scout launches on Monday, 2nd of March, but you can sign up for all the news now.
I’m really excited about this new phase in my life, and a brand new start with a brilliant new creative partner.
I started Wee Birdy way back in 2007, just months after my husband and I had relocated from Sydney to London. Wee Birdy chronicled all of my new London discoveries, focusing on independent shops and amazing new designers.
Fast forward to 2015, and we’re back home in Sydney. I’ve moved house five times, bought our first (second-hand) car, bought our first flat, had a baby, got a job, sold our first flat, bought a home in Sydney’s bushburbia, got made redundant, tried to keep blogging on my own, struggled with health stuff and grappled with the reality of the changing employment landscape for journalists and editors.
It’s been an amazing journey (erk, apologies for the reality TV show parlance but it’s the only word for it) and I’ve had some incredible opportunities and made some beautiful new friendships. And I’ve had you.
So, without sounding like a sentimental old sap, thank YOU so much sticking with me – including my long absences when I went off to have a baby and settle into motherhood and its various challenges.
So, what does this mean for Wee Birdy?
Well, from Monday 2 March, the Wee Birdy URL ( will automatically redirect to We Are Scout ( You’ll still have access to all of my old posts here, and you’ll still get the same Wee Birdy content that I’ve always done – only better.
If you’ve liked reading my blog, I reckon you’re gonna love We Are Scout. I’ll still be blogging about the same stuff, but with renewed vigour and a brand new partner. I’ll be able to blog more regularly, and bring you more of what you want to know.
I’ll be out and about seeking the best new things in design, craft, interiors, fashion and beauty. There will be more shop reviews. There will be more city guides. There will be more ‘My Secret Londons’, ‘My Secret Sydneys’ and a whole lot more Secret City guides.
Lisa will be creating her legendary and extraordinarily cool craft and DIY tutorials, as well as bringing you design news, trends and updates, and some of the best creative spaces and interiors around.
Ready to take the great leap forward with me? Hold my hand and let’s go!
We Are Scout launches on Monday 02 March.