A global field guide to design, (life)style and secret finds
est. 2007
  1. New Craft Summer Catalogue & Free Shipping Today

    Still battling it out at the local shopping centre? Stoppit. Now. And look here.

    Australia has a dazzling new online shopping destination that’s filled with stuff that’s (a) looks darn handsome; (b) filled with beautiful stuff handmade by Australians; and (c) all made in Australia.

    You can find it all at Craft (also known as Craft Victoria), and while I confess it’s not exactly new, they’ve just released a beautiful new catalogue for Summer, styled by Leesa O’Reilly and photographed by Hilary Walker. It represents a bright new direction for Craft, and I couldn’t be more delighted, as it’s a shiny new platform to showcase the plethora of creative talent in Australia.

    You can pick up some stunningly gorgeous things, like one-off ceramics, pots and planters, jewellery, art works, wall hangings, cushions, rugs, blankets and wonderful things for kids. Can you hear the “where did you get THAT?’ cries of present-envy now? Ha! That’s what we want! Excellent.

    Want some even better news? Head over there right now and you’ll get free delivery within Australia – on all orders before 6pm tonight (16 December 2014 AEST). Just use the code CRAFTMAS at the online checkout.

    Here are some of the beautiful images from the catalogue – and if you click on the link below each photo, you’ll be taken directly to the page where you can purchase each item.

    Beautiful, right?

    Here are my top six picks from Craft for Christmas. Just hover on each image and click to be taken directly to the shop to buy.

    Tell me: are you still doing you Christmas shopping? What’s your favourite piece from Craft?