Christmas past
I found some old family photos while I was visiting mum this week. Check out this photo of her with my brother and sister from Christmas 1965. I love her high bun and frilly dressing gown. And my brother’s pale blue overalls. The burnt orange chairs are pretty good, too.
Here’s my hipster dad with my brother and sister in England. How cool is his intarsia jumper? Someone’s probably wandering around Dalston in it right now.
I LOVE the awkward Santa photo on the left from 1967. Everybody’s kinda wigging out. I don’t know what I adore more: my mum’s polka-dot frock with Peter Pan collar and matching trim around the sleeves or the perky little pink bow on her head.
That’s my first Santa photo at David Jones in ’74 (with my brother and sister, top right). You can tell it’s the ’70s, from my brother’s flares and my sister’s long frock to the beaded curtain in the background. By ’77 I’m rocking a patchwork Holly Hobby dress and Santa’s chair has been replaced with a big white cane peacock number.
Santa’s a bit different these days. We took Harry to David Jones’ Elizabeth Street store because we’ve always had Santa photos at DJs. We were led to a tiny little broom closet behind a sliding door that had about as much charm as a dodgy dentist’s waiting room. Santa was at one end in front of a fan (I do feel sorry for Aussie Santas in those suits) and the photographer at the other end. We handed Harry over, the photo was promptly taken, and then we picked the best pic off the Mac. There was no ho-ho-ho-ing and we weren’t allowed out until some kids had cleared the corridor lest they discover there was actually a production line of multiple Santas.
The other thing I noticed? No-one will ever have an awkward Santa photo again. Digital photography takes care of that courtesy of the delete button. No more hysterical toddlers, no more babies pulling on Santa’s beard, no more mums looking strained and no more dopey mid-blink stares. Which is a bit of a shame, really.
How are you going with your Christmas preparations? Have you got an awkward Santa photo, too?