A global field guide to design, (life)style and secret finds
est. 2007
  1. Birdy got tagged

    Lovely Make Do and Mend tagged me in the latest round of memes, so here goes...

    1. Four places I go to over and over:
    - London Bridge station
    - V&A museum shop
    - Broadway Market
    - Borough Market

    2. Four people who email me regularly: (to protect the innocent, I'm choosing email newsletters)
    - Michi Girl
    - Gorkana
    - Urban Junkies
    - Who What Wear

    3. Four places I would rather be right now: (birdy blows the budget)
    - Staying at this amazing hotel in Copenhagen:

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    - Norway
    - Finland
    - Soaking in a hot tub in a hip chalet in the French alps ... why, this one would do nicely, ta:

    Hottub-Night-Poudreuse  Living-Poudreuse

    4. Four of my favourite places to eat: (birdy on a budget)
    - Song Que (Vietnamese), Kingsland Road
    - The raclette stand, Borough Markets
    - Climpsons & Sons, Broadway Market
    - Story Deli, Brick Lane (all coming to you in a 'London Must-Eats' post, soon!)


    5. Four people I'm tagging:
    - Likkle girl
    - Living Out London
    - Charinthecity
    - Basil Exposition

    6. Four TV shows I watch over and over: (all on DVD)
    - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    - Angel
    - Firefly
    - Bodies (yes, I'm a Joss Whedon nerd with a side interest in gory BBC dramas about inept NHS maternity wards. Which has got nothing whatsoever to do with Max Beesley's delightfully hairy bottom. I swear.)


    I've also been tagged by fellow Aussie ex-pat and magazine journo, Cricket Family with the 'quirky things' meme. I'm all tagged-out, right now, but here's one I did earlier - all fairly quirky, I'd say.