5 Creative Australian Instagram Accounts

A sweet flower fairy by Fleur Florist in Armadale, Victoria. Photography by Red Rabbit Photography via fleur_florist_in_armadale/Instagram.
After some fresh Antipodean eye candy to add to your Instagram feed? I’ve rounded up five Instagram accounts of some rather clever Australian creatives for you to follow. Get ready to feel inspired when your feed snaps, crackles and pops with colour, texture and refreshing ideas.

1. fleur_florist_in_armadale. Inspirational and uplifting photos of the most beautiful flower arrangements (and flower fairies, above), by the very talented Fleur in Armadale, Victoria.

2. ilikebirdspaddington. A sweet little shop of vintage treasures in Paddington, Sydney. This amazing cascading ribbon curtain was created for them by Boy and Bird for the William Street Festival, 2014.

3. erinswindow. A feed full of delicate ceramics and whimsical figurines by an Australian maker.

4. hellonaomicakes. All manner of beautifully created cakes and cookies by Newcastle-based (Australian) cake maker.

5. kipandco. Bright, bold and colourful bedding and homewares from this Melbourne-based company. I love their new cotton rainbow blankets.
Tell me: do you follow any of these accounts? Who are you favourite Australian creatives on Instagram?